Fishing Trips

6 Hour Nearshore Trolling
Our half-day 6-hour nearshore trolling trips are great for first timers, families and kids. These are a great way to spend an afternoon out on the water catching fish without having to go too far offshore. These trips will take place two to five miles off the beach; therefore, you will see land the entire trip. We will mainly be trolling for King Mackerel and Spanish mackerel.
6 – 8 Hour Nearshore Bottom Fishing
This a great starter bottom fishing experience for the kids and first-time anglers. Not to close, yet not too far, this trip will take place six to fifteen miles off the beach. The main targeted species will be Red Snapper, Vermillion Snapper, White Snapper, and Triggerfish. (Keep in mind species harvest regulations will vary depending on when you book your trip.)
10 Hour –12 Hour Offshore Bottom Fishing & Trolling
The length of trip you book will determine the distance offshore Captain Chris will be able to take you. These trips take place from 20 to 40 miles offshore. Typically, the larger grades of fish will be further offshore in places not so highly pressured. The main species targeted on our deep-sea bottom fishing trips are Red Snappers, Gag Groupers, Triggerfish, Amberjacks, White Snappers, Vermillion Snappers, Black Snappers, Scamp Groupers, and Red Groupers. The offshore trolling will be mainly target Mahi-Mahi (Dolphins), Wahoos, King mackerels, and Blackfin Tunas. (Keep in mind species harvest regulations will vary depending on when you book your trip.)
16 Hour – Daytime Sword Fishing
This trip is designed for anglers looking for a different kind of fishing experience. The Swordfish is the king of all billfish. These fast, powerful, unpredictable sea monsters are truly a fish of a lifetime. These trips will take place 60+ miles offshore and are weather dependent. We will be fishing in 900+ feet of water with electric and conventional reels. Soaking a sword bait is a patient man’s game. You could get a bite with in the first 15 minutes or it could take about an hour or longer after getting everything set up. Fishing for Swordfish is similar to shark fishing. Swordfish are one of the tastiest fish that swims in the Gulf!
18 Hour – Daytime Sword Fishing and Deep Dropping
This trip consists of daytime sword fishing and mix of deep dropping for Golden Tile Fish. These trips will take place 60+ miles offshore and are weather dependent. You may also hook Yellow Edge Groupers and Snowy Groupers while deep dropping as well. Deep Dropping takes place in 900+ feet of water with electric reels. A different experience of fishing then the normal conventional rod/reel.
24 – Over Night – Sword Fishing – Bottom Fishing – Trolling
These trips are completely customized based on your specific requests! You can spend the whole trip bottom fishing or trolling. You can throw in nighttime sword fishing mixed with daytime deep dropping. The possibilities are endless. Call ahead to discuss options with Captain Chris’s wife Shelby. (Keep in mind species harvest regulations will vary depending on when you book your trip.)
36 – 48 Hour Multi-Day–Tunas–Marlins–Swordfish–Bottom Fishing
They call this the sportsman’s “dream trip”. Whatever your request might be, swordfish, marlins, or tuna these multiday trips will give Captain Chris enough range to stretch his legs and make your request come to life. We can do a mix of a variety types of fishing and target a wide range of species. We will often fish around the oil rigs on these trips 100+ miles offshore. Fishing is a complete bonus out here. Please call Captain Chris’ wide Shelby to discuss the different options available.