Amberjacks are often called “Reef Donkeys” and with good reason. Deep-sea fishing for Amberjacks will start about 15 miles offshore. The grade and size of fish can vary depending on the depth offshore you are fishing. Typically the larger Amberjacks will be found further offshore. Starting your trip off, you will spend 15 to 30 minutes catching fresh live bait. The bait preferred by a Jack are either hard tails or white snappers. Although it isn’t impossible to catch them on other live baits such as cigar minnows. Once your bait has been caught, it is off to the fishing grounds. Captain Chris will cruise out for approximately 30 to 45 minutes before your first stop. This puts you out where the sea monsters live.
The first mate will give a thorough fishing school on how to use the rods and reels. He will also discuss what to feel for and how to hook these salt-water giants. No jerking is allowed!! We are NOT bass fishing. Leave your hook setting skills at home. Once schooled up and suited up with the proper size rod belt, you will assume your fishing position on the back deck. We can fish 6 anglers comfortably at one time.
Jacks are a hard fighting fish and they like to chase their bait. Once they get a hold of your bait, you better hold on! You want the rod tip to bend over and almost touch the water before you start cranking on your reel. No jerking to set the hook! We use circle hooks, therefore the fish will hook itself. It is up to you to reel in that reef donkey!! It is not uncommon to have multiple fish hooked up and fighting at once. It is important that you watch your line and follow it where ever it goes to avoid tangles with other lines or getting caught in the prop and cutting your fish off. If you see your line moving left, move left. Everyone will move in a smooth flowing system. Once your fish is to the top and you can see your leader, you will whined your lead all the way up to the rod tip and the first mate will gaff or grab your fish to place her in the boat. Once the fish is in the boat, you will be able to grab a quick picture before we place her on ice. A job well done!